February News & Dates

By | January 26, 2016


Please mark two dates on your calendars this month!

The first is our February stated meeting on Friday, February 12th.  Our meeting will include a “Rusty Mason’s Night” where we will review some masonic etiquette and education important to all members.  If you haven’t been out to lodge in some time and perhaps forgot the grips, signs, or other important aspects, this evening is for you.  We are also fortunate to have a representative from the Pennsylvania Masonic Villages joining us for the evening.  If you or your family members have considered residing at one of the Masonic Villages, come out to get your questions answered and learn more.

The second date to be aware of is our Extra Meeting on Wednesday, February 17th.  We will be conferring two Fellowcraft Mason degrees and one Entered Apprentice degree that evening beginning at 7:30pm.  Please join us that evening to support our newest brothers as they progress on their masonic journeys.

Read about these events and more in our February lodge notice by clicking here.  We look forward to seeing you in lodge with us again soon!