For those of you who were in attendance, you already know we had a great stated meeting last night. For those who weren’t there, you missed a good time!
We were very fortunate to have seven brothers from North Carolina with us for the evening. We wish them safe travels on their trip and hope to have them back at Lansdowne again in the future.
Our treasurer, Bro. Jim Burrows, presented us with a very thorough and informative report on our financial situation. Definitely more to come on this topic at future meetings.
The program for the evening was a presentation from Justin Bailey, Past Grand Master and current Grand Secretary of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows in Pennsylvania. It was very interested to learn of the differences and many similarities between our two organizations.
The evening ended with great fellowship over refreshments which included a special cake made for the evening.
Be sure to check our photo gallery for a few pictures from the evening: